Acousmatic music
Acousmatic music
Acousmatic music
Acousmatic music
Composer | Producer | Performer | Artistic director | Professor
Born in Valencia in 1979, Pablo Carrascosa Llopis graduated in Composition at ESMUC and Architecture at ETSAV. He is one of the most active and promising composers of his generation in Cataluña. His biggest professional achievement has been to work as guest composer during the 2019/2020 season at L´Auditori de Barcelona. As a result of this collaboration, Carrascosa was commissioned to write an orchestral piece for the Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya (OBC), as well as a piece for two ensembles and electronics, and also a pedagogical work that originated from the cooperation between Departament d’Ensenyament de L’Auditori and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
As a regular composer in contemporary dancing projects, Pablo Carrascosa is a three-times finalist of the Barcelona Premis de l´Institut del Teatre. In 2017, he won first prize with the choreography “Handle With Care”, (through which he premiered at Festival Grec the same year), and in 2018 Carrascosa won second prize with “The Milk”. In the audiovisual music field, he won the first prize for the Best Short Animated Film Music at the 2015 Jerry Goldsmith Awards.
The composer also works as a live-electronics performer and has recently released several experimental Techno tracks, where he pushes some of the boundaries of the genre from his unique musical perspective.
Since 2019, Carrascosa has been the artistic director of the contemporary music ensemble CrossingLines, one of the most important groups in Spain. The ensemble has unprecedentedly developed contemporary music during recent years on a national and international scale. The forthcoming projects of the group include performances where the composer will apply their particular musical and scenic vision.
Pablo is professor at Taller de Músics Escola Superior d´Estudis Musicals. His commitment to both teaching and also pedagogical aspects in music has led him to take part in the project ‘Els compositors entren a l’aula’, a project derived from the collaboration between the UAB and Servei Educatiu de L’Auditori de Barcelona. The composer has been working continuously here since its 2015-2016 edition.
His music deals with rhythm, musical objects and space, all influenced from an architectural perspective. It emphasises the importance of the idea/concept and how to translate it into an abstract environment, as well as the power of structure. Carrascosa´s music is also strongly influenced by Extreme Metal and Techno.
2023: L4 commissioned by Quartet Gerhard.
2023: L7DD commissioned by Álex Tentor.
2023: Co-production and mixing of the song "Runner" by the artist Mercè Segura.
2023: Composition of soundtrack for YAMAHA Motor Europe - MT10 Blinkers.
2022: Band arrangement for Marala Trio.
2022: Co-production and mixing of the song "Why EMMA" by the artist Mercè Segura.
2022: "L4DD" commissioned by ENSEMS contemporary music cycle.
2022: Composition of soundtrack for YAMAHA Motor Europe - MT10 Accessory Pack.
2022: Composition of soundtrack for YAMAHA Motor Europe - Genuine Top Cases.
2022: Composition of music for the contemporary dancing project "Communion de jeunes filles chlorotiques par un temps de neige".
2022: Orchestral arrangement for Marala Trio.
2021: Composition of the soundtrack for the movie Asombrosa Elisa.
2021: Composition of soundtrack for Audi and Marcel Wanders.
2020: L4DL4 commissioned by Lluïsa Espigolé.
2020: Composition of soundtracks for Decorté AQ and Marcel Wanders.
2020: Composition of soundtracks for Decorté MW collection and Marcel Wanders.
2020: Composition of soundtrack for Decorté Kose GRC and Marcel Wanders.
2019: "Answer" commissioned by L´Auditori´s Servei Educatiu.
2019: "(Un)certain Journey" finalist at Institut del Teatre´s contemporary dancing competition.
2019: "L5DD" selected for ScoreFollower´s Youtube platform.
2019: "Acto II" selected for SGAE´s first choreographic laboratory.
2019: "L5DD" finalist in Prix CIME competition.
2019: Composition of soundtrack for Rijks´Museum booklet and Marcel Wanders.
2019: "L5DD" selected in Somelgrup ensemble´s call for works.
2019: Season guest composer at L´auditori (Barcelona).
2019: "L5DD" commissioned by Mixtur contemporary music festival (Barcelona).
2019: Composition of soundtracks for Decorté cosmetics and Marcel Wanders.
2019: Composition of soundtracks for Lladró ceramics and Marcel Wanders.
2019: Guest teacher at "Els compositors entren a l´aula".
2019: "Handle with care" selected for the XXII Max Prizes for scenic arts.
2018: Composition of the soundtrack for the short film "kill Santa".
2018: "The milk" second prize at Institut del Teatre´s contemporary dancing competition.
2018: Composition of the soundtrack for the film "House of sweat and tears".
2018: Composition of soundtrack for Starbucks and Marcel Wanders.
2017: Guest teacher at "Els compositors entren a l´aula".
2018: Città di Udine composition competition finalist.
2017: Guest teacher at "Els compositors entren a l´aula".
2017: Composition of soundtrack for KEF LS50 speakers and Marcel Wanders.
2017: "Handle with care" commissioned by Festival Grec (Barcelona).
2017: "Handle with care" winner of Institut del Teatre´s contemporary dancing competition.
2016: "Històries Elèctriques" commissioned by Sampler Sèries contemporary music festival (pedagogical).
2016: "Birds Food" selected in Mostra Sonora´s call for works (Barcelona).
2016: "Birds Food" selected in Festival Fácyl´s call for works (Salamanca).
2016: "Slicing" selected in Reconsil ensemble´s call for works.
2016: "Of objects and spaces" selected in Somelgrup ensemble´s call for works.
2015: "Black" commissioned by Sampler Sèries contemporary music cycle.
2015: "After Duke Ellington´s Prelude To A Kiss" selected in New Made ensemble´s call for works.
2015: "Windup Maker" winner at the Jerry Goldsmith Awards (short animation film category).
2015: "Of objects and spaces" selected in Lucilin ensemble´s composition summer school.
2015: "Less is more" commissioned by Sampler Sèries contemporary music cycle.
2014: "From guitar" winner of CrossingLines ensemble´s call for acousmatic works.
2015: Selected in CrossingLines ensemble call for student new pieces.
2014: "From guitar" winner of Somelgrup ensemble´s call for acousmatic works.
2013: "Writing" winner of Somelgrup ensemble´s call for acousmatic works.
2013: "Composition for voice" selected in Nonsense vocal ensemble´s call for works.
"Techno Injection vol.6" (Detroit-Berlin record label).
"NNULLZ 012" EP (NNULLZ record label).
"NNULLZ 003" EP (NNULLZ record label).
";bd" (Joan Jordi Oliver, sax / Laura Picó, piano / Pere Antoni Bujosa, bass)
"After Duke Ellington´s Prelude To A Kiss" (Rubén Parejo, Guitar).
"II-V" (Discordian Comunity Ensemble).
"After Duke Ellington´s Prelude To A Kiss" (Piles Ed.).
Forthcoming projects:
2023: Recording release of "XY", for orchestra.
2023: Album release of "L4DL4", for solo piano, by Neu records.
2024: L4, for string quartet.
2024: L7, for electric guitar.